30 MAY 2015 by ideonexus
Violence and the Concept of Social Justice
The main reason that violence correlates with low socioeconomic status today is that the elites and the middle class pursue justice with the legal system while the lower classes resort to what scholars of violence call “self-help.” This has nothing to do with Women Who Love Too Much or Chicken Soup for the Soul; it is another name for vigilantism, frontier justice, taking the law into your own hands, and other forms of violent retaliation by which people secured justice in the absence of ...Folksonomies: violence social status
Folksonomies: violence social status
08 NOV 2013 by ideonexus
Science VS Economics
The spirit and method of Science arc the direct antithesis of magic.
It is science which has produced the "Machine Shop".
It is magic that has produced "Finance".
In the machine shop. Science rules only in so far as machine processes go: there its control stops.
The social control of the Machine Shop lies with the Towosis of Finance.
Thus it is that our Towosis (like those Of Trobriand) control not only the work, the workmen, the work shop — "industrial society" is only the Great ...An interesting perspective. Science is the workhorse, economics is the charlatan exploiting it.
29 MAR 2011 by ideonexus
Working Assumptions of the Global Village Construction Set
Working Assumptions
Here is a partial list of assumptions that we are making as we go about the development work of this wiki. These assumptions help one to understand our motivations and approach.
Underlying dynamics of human civilizations are related to peoples' resource base. The resource base, and its control through the control of other humans, is the feedstock for power and its accumulation. Resource conflicts occur because people have not yet learned to manage the global resource ba...Interesting set of assumptions, based upon which it is possible to argue for self-sufficiency.